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Good grief – I did it again!

In true Heather fashion, I drove to the wrong neighborhood on autopilot on two separate occasions. The new reality of my new home had not sunk in yet. I am working to create my new reality and you can do the same.

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July 24, 2020

The Power of our Thoughts

For the last few days, I have let myself think, feel and behave like a victim and become frustrated by it.  But through self-coaching I was able to shift my thoughts, emotions, actions and ultimately, my results.

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May 20, 2020

Peace in Uncertain times

“Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait, and wait without anxiety.” 

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May 4, 2020

This simple practice changed my business

I love all the amazing opportunities for learning that real estate brings me. There was a time, when I saw these occasions differently. I perceived them as conflict, or challenges or, if I am being really honest, at times, a pain in the ass.

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April 27, 2020

Find your Story

Today I am doing something that absolutely terrifies me. I am starting my life coaching practice and releasing my website and blog months earlier than I had planned. It is not perfect. Not even close…..

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April 20, 2020

Hi I’m Heather!

Welcome! I am so happy you are here.

I am a realtor, life coach, and soul-centered self-development junkie.

My mission is to fill my life with friendship, authenticity, joy, love and laughter; and, in the process, inspire others to do the same.

I developed this website and blog with the hope that my stories can help you on your journey in this complex life and business we all navigate daily.

I struggled for years in this business and then I didn’t. The journey to get there was not an easy one, but one for which I have immense gratitude.

Don’t get me wrong…..I still have hard days in life and this business. Really hard days. But I have learned that each event that happens as we navigate this complex life and business truly happens for us and not to us. And let’s face it…… anyone who has done real estate knows we are constantly faced with events that can cause conflict.

I have come to LOVE this business and each challenge it brings. While I am grateful for the abundant income real estate has brought me, I am even more grateful for the lessons it has taught me that have helped me be a better mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, mentor, coach and realtor. It has taught me how to build deeper relationships not only with others, but also with myself.

I have learned to let the real AUTHENTIC me shine through rather than trying to perfect an exact system or by trying to replicate a more “successful” agent’s business. As I have learned to relax and not worry about what others think of me, I have opened the door to attract the exact clients that I need and that need me just as I am.

I do my best to show love and grace to everyone involved in a transaction (including myself), and that love and grace has come back to my clients over and over. Let me be clear about it, I still have moments when I lose it and get upset – I am human after all. But they are the exception, not the norm.

I make mistakes – a lot of them. But I do my very best every day and that is enough. Now instead of beating myself up for a perceived mistake, I take a moment, assess the situation, ask the universe what I have to learn from the experience and move on. I ask for a shift in my perception and miraculously if I am conscious a solution appears.

While doubling my business in one year I slowed down and learned the things that worked for me – meditating, journaling, consciously changing my thoughts, praying, making family a priority, and practicing self-care – just to name a few.

If you have ever had any of the following thoughts you are not alone.

  • I am stuck.

  • I am not good enough.

  • I have something to prove.

  • This business is really hard.

  • Why would they want to work with me?

  • Oh my God, I screwed up and they are going to be so upset with me.

  • Why can’t I grow my business?

  • I have the perfect system; why can’t I follow it or why isn’t it working for me?

I used to have thoughts like this all the time. Through a lot of wonderful thought work, I rarely have those thoughts anymore, and when I do have them, I have the tools to shift them quickly.

Learning that my value lies in living my AUTHENTIC life has been the greatest gift I have received.

I hope you will enjoy the journey in this business and life as much as I have learned to!